"For the Sake of Jesus", to evangelize the Continent
To think of the Continent of America means to feel itself wrapped in the cultures, languages, races and various and meaningful social realities.
Our continent is formed of 67 nations, which enjoy the beauty of nature, full of the wonders of God, our Creator.
The vocational space of our continent is great. Many families are well structured and healthy; they live the faith, many others seek the essential values of human and spiritual life. The people are open, generous, hospitable, with exceptions, it is clear, but in general we can count on many positive aspects.
There are vocations for the church and all the congregations of the continent, to realize the mandate of Jesus, “Go into the whole world and proclaim the Good News to all nations.” We are called to be missionary communicators of the Word of Jesus who is the Master, Way, Truth and Life.
Welcome to all the participants and to the team that will coordinate the meeting for the Vocation Animators of the American Continent. We in Brazil receive you with great joy and with a lot of affection, in the certainty that the Vocation Animation will be definitely assumed by each one of us and so we will be instruments with which the Lord can “touch” the heart of many youngsters.
Sr Eide Bortoli, Provincial Superior, Brazil.
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