The vocational animator, a joyful witness and communicator of the Pauline Vocation to the new generations

23 November 2006

Community and Pauline Mission: Places of Awakening, Proposal and Vocational Growth

“To look at you, Vocation Animators, is to renew our hope!”
With these words, Sr. Elide Pulite, fsp, began her session on Community and Pauline Mission: Places of awakening, proposal and vocational growth.
Sr. Elide put forward to the participants some particular questions:
What is the vision of the Pauline community of America of the youth today? Do they know who are the youth for whom they pray, suffer and offer themselves? Do these communities view the youth as ‘possible vocations’?

The meeting of the young with the community sisters should be a moment of synergy, where one feels the force of communication and dialogue, the beauty of the meeting, of the inter-communication and of the exhcange that brings about communion in the Spirit.
It is in this moment that convergence is conceived and gives rise to the syntony between the community and mission.
It is an experience of communion with God and with the sisters that arouses the desire to consign life to God and to the people, in community.

The mission demands a special pedagogy so as to be ‘revealed’ gradually to the young people.
The reflection on the essential elements of the mission should lead us to communicate it to them with enthusiasm, in simple and accessible language, before demonstrating the complexity of the technical means used in the apostolic activity.
The mission as ‘place of proposal and vocational growth’ does not refer only to those moments in which we bring the young people to places of our apostolic activity, it could be something sufficiently reduced.
It is important to enhance the communication of our pauline vocational experience with the narration of meaningful apostolic experiences and the history of the lives of Pauline sisters , priests and brothers who have left witnesses and examples of apostolic holiness; to share important words and motivations of Fr. Alberione and Thecla Merlo in relation to people, to nations; to speak of the force of the Word of God and of the Eucharist for the Pauline mission, on the characteristics of prayer and of Spirituality.

The community and the Pauline mission become places of vocational proposal when the sisters live the essential elements of the pauline vocation. It is not sufficient to organize a beautiful visit, to decorate the house, have some communitarian and apostolic activities, if the vocational life and the mission do not really passionately ‘move’ each member of the commuity and pierce them with boldness, faith, joy and love in the adventure of the following of Jesus Christ, the Way, the Truth and the Life.


Blogger Comunidad formativa de Medellín said...

Queridas hermanas vocacionistas:

Acompañándolas de corazón, esperamos que este encuentro sea de gran fruto para todas; para las jóvenes que están en búsqueda y que por la Providencia Divina llegan hasta nuestras comunidades y centros apostólicos, y para cada una de ustedes que también buscan en el Señor, la iluminación para responder a la juventud, con las exigencias de nuestros tiempos, llevando la alegría Paulina, característica de nuestra misión.

Retomando las palabras de nuestro fundador, Si las personas no llegan a las parroquias, nosotros debemos ir a las personas; entendemos que este reto se ha convertido en profecía para cada Paulina y para nosotras principalmente que hacemos parte de una comunidad formativa, debemos animar a muchos jóvenes con nuestra experiencia y pasión por Cristo.

Así que ponemos toda nuestra esperanza en las gracias que el Espíritu está derramando sobre cada una de ustedes, para que su vida se convierta en Levadura no sólo para nuestra Familia Paulina, sino para toda la Iglesia, necesitada de buenos obreros para la viña de Dios.

Con cariño, hermanas y postulantes.
Comunidad de Medellín

25 November, 2006 00:23

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dearest Sisters,
At the conclusion of your encounter, feel me one with you in praise and thanksgiving for all that God has done among you and through each one of you. Enriched by the input, the experiences, the sharing, and above all by the gifts of the Holy Spirit, you are now going back to your respective communities more prepared as vocation animators. May the Lord of the harvest render your vocational activities fruitful!
To Sr Eide de Bortoli and the FSP Sisters of Brazil, my profound gratitude for the heartfelt welcome and for all the labor of love during this encounter.
Greetings to each one on the feast of our beloved Primo Maestro!
Sr Inocencia Tormon

25 November, 2006 12:47


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