A Glance at the Society
Theme: The world of the youth and new technologies: challenges and perspectives.
There is nothing that challenges us more than the actual context, that which does not crush us but gives us new force to continue with a strong commitment: to follow and work towards a more just society… The mission is to communicate the values and to generate a culture with an integral vision of the human being.
The world on the Net changes our experience of time. In every network, every individual is virtually connected with all the others, in any instant and in any place anyone can be found immediately from wherever and by whomever. We seem to be always available, always accessible.
This new era implies an eternal present which tends to impose itself in all spaces of existence, individual and collective, lessening the times considered ‘empty’, but instead necessary for growth, for personal formation, to work, to relax ourselves, to think, to pray etc.
The Net Generation (youth connected on the Internet): possess more knowledge about the use of the Internet than their educators. Internet is considered by them as an important element of intrinsic motivation, which provides an optimistic sensationalism, personal and social, in relation to their own degree of technological competence.